Donald Matthews collection 1912-1913
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
Bruce, William S. (William Speirs), 1867-1921 (person)
William Speirs Bruce was born in London of Scottish parents in 1867. He was educated at Norfolk County School, England and enrolled as a medical student at the University of Edinburgh, where renowned Scottish physicists, chemists and oceanographers supervised him. In 1892, he was recommended for the post of surgeon and naturalist on board Balaena during the British Whaling Exploration (Dundee), 1892-1893. The expedition was organized to investigate the commercial possibilities of wh...
Scotia (Steam yacht) (corporateBody)
Matthews, Donald (person)
Donald Mathews was one of the scientists appointed to analyse results of the British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913 (leader Robert Falcon Scott). Prior to his appointment he corresponded with William Speirs Bruce (leader of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902-1904 and Hugh Robert Mill (geographer, meteorologist and member of the British National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1904 led by Scott) regarding the work being carried out in the north Atlantic on board the steam yacht Scotia ....
Mill, Hugh Robert, 1861-1950 (person)
Hugh Robert Mill was born at Thurso, Scotland, on 28 May 1861. He read chemistry and physics at Edinburgh University and specialised in marine chemistry, working on the scientific reports of the Challenger expedition under Sir John Murray. In 1887, he became lecturer in geography and physiography at Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, and four years later, published The realm of nature, an important textbook of scientific geography. In 1892, he was appointed librarian of the Royal Geogr...